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Basic Excel for DMPC Staff

Task: This project was created as part of the Eduflow Instructional Design Principles for Course Creation program. The course consisted of progressing through the instructional design process for a real-world problem. This project involved training sales employees on the minimum Excel skills necessary to facilitate their roles.


Responsibilities: eLearning Developer, Video, Graphics, Voiceover

Tools Used: Camtasia, Audacity, Canva 


Challenge and Solution:

Equipment sales reps were spending hours each week updating their customer database from their weekly Excel spreadsheet because they did not know basic Excel functions and tools. They were also keeping track of their loaner equipment in a Word document.     


A self-paced on-demand course about Excel was created because employees were not able to perform basic spreadsheet skills to efficiently update their sales opportunities and track loaners.  


This interactive eLearning guides employees as they learn to:


  1. Create a spreadsheet.

  2. Manage rows and columns.

  3. Sort data.


Analysis Canvas

Design Document

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